Tech Firms Join The War

Microsoft wades in as Russian malware strikes before military; global leaders reexamine cybersecurity A few hours before Russian tanks began rolling into Ukraine, alarms went off inside Microsoft’s Threat Intelligence Center, warning of a never-before-seen piece of “wiper” malware that appeared aimed at the country’s government ministries and financial institutions. Within three hours, Microsoft threw itself into the middle of a ground war in Europe — from 5,500 miles away. The threat center, north of Seattle, had been on high [...]


10 Best IT Certifications For 2016

With successful hacking attacks on many corporate and government systems and networks, CyberSecurity & Security training moves to the front in 2016.  With over 1MM IT Security jobs available now as a result, and IT Security salaries rising fast, IT Security is here to stay at the front of IT work. 1.  Certified Ethical Hacking/Computer Forensics/Security Analyst/Licensed Penetration Tester.  There are two kinds of organizations today, those that know they have been hacked, and those that don’t know they have [...]


Over 1MM IT Security Jobs Available – What Does It Take To Get One – Part 2

Over 1MM IT Security jobs are available to those having the skill sets to do them.  After gaining the knowledge that is offered in the A+/Network+/Security+ courses to include understanding all of the components of PCs, how the components interact with each other and the Operating System, understanding Network communications with DNS, SubNetting, Packets, and understanding all of the basic tenants of Security for IT, you are ready to move on to vendor specific solutions to networking. By far the [...]


Over 1M IT Security Jobs Are Available – What Does It Take To Get One?

IT Security jobs will be the most needed jobs in the future of IT.  It doesn’t matter if your organization produces great products, services, hardware, military equipment, etc, if Hackers from other countries or competitors can get the information that you have developed on how to make these products and make similar products themselves.  They do not need to invest in R&D, test out different materials, and spend $MMs or $BBs to create your product.  They can steal all of your [...]


Windows 10 violates your privacy by default, here’s how you can protect yourself

Upon installation, Windows 10 defaults to some pretty serious privacy invasions. Here are some steps you can take to keep your personal data private. Since the July 29 release of Windows 10, the tech world has been talking about the latest OS update from Microsoft. A mere 24 hours after its release, more than 14 million users had downloaded Windows 10. The quick ramp up was due, in part, to Microsoft releasing the update as a free download for existing Windows [...]