Technical Certifications Are Necessary for Many IT Jobs

[singlepic id=865 w=320 h=240 float=right]Are computer certifications necessary to obtain a job in this highly competitive market?  Yes, and even more so today when so many people are out of work competing for the same job opening.  There are, on average, 4.6 people looking for every job opening.  The IT sector is doing better than that, and a review of the IT job listings shows a demand or preference for those with certifications.

If you have been in the industry for many years, starting 12 years ago or so with NT 3.5 and NT 4.0 and you have not had any formal education since then, you will find that the Operating Systems and applications have changed dramatically.   Your current skillset is probably quite lacking when it comes to the correct implementation of hundreds of settings for productivity and security.  If you have been taught OJT for many years, perhaps much of your work has produced conflicting or overlaying settings which causes slowdown of the network, and security breaches in many areas.

If you want to move up within the company or government organization, you will need to have proof of your knowledge of how to correctly implement current systems.  Many contracts list the requirements of the people working on the systems and state that a certification(s) is required.

If you are looking for a position now, your resume will probably be rejected by the Human Resources department for lacking the desired certification.

Obtain your IT Certifications today in two week intensive classes through CED Solutions and be on your way to higher success.   If you have been a good student in school, you will do fine in these courses with reading prior to class.


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