CED Solutions To Provide Technical Training for K12 Schools
[singlepic id=863 w=320 h=240 float=right]CED Solutions, the #1 provider of Microsoft Certifications in North America (2009) is working with the Educational Communities of K12 and higher to provide technical training to school staffs and administrations throughout the United States. Classes will be provided through Remote Classroom Training, and onsite. Courses will include Microsoft Office 2010, Windows 7, SharePoint 2010, Exchange 2010, and Web Design classes. CED Solutions is an exhibitor at the South Carolina EdTech 2010 at Myrtle Beach, SC and the GaETC Conference in Atlanta, GA.
South Carolina’s premier educational technology conference is designed to promote the use of educational technology to enhance student learning. The mission of EdTech 2010 is to bring educators, administrators, technology professionals, college faculty and staff, public and academic librarians, business and industry trainers, industry representatives and policy makers together to think, discuss, listen and learn the best strategies to plan for, implement, and use educational technology in our schools.
The South Carolina EdTech conference is planned and delivered by the South Carolina Association for Educational Technology (SCAET), represented by multiple South Carolina partners that includes K-12, higher education, state government agencies, and telecommunications business partners.
Partner members of SCAET this year include: The South Carolina State Department of Education, South Carolina Partnership for Distance Education, Technology Services, South Carolina Educational Television, Association for Applied Interactive Multimedia (AAIM), South Carolina Association of School Librarians, BellSouth, Avaya, South Carolina Budget and Control Board- Chief Information Office, the University of South Carolina School of Library and Information Science, and College of Charleston School of Education.
Approximately 1200 K-12 and higher education teachers, administrators, technology and media specialists, business leaders, legislators and Department of Education personnel.
The Georgia Educational Technology Conference (GaETC) is sponsored by the Georgia Educational Technology Consortium, Inc. The Conference is organized by a Steering Committee, which is appointed by the Consortium’s Board of Directors. The Board, the Steering Committee, and the various committees are composed of unpaid volunteers. The Board contracts with McRae Co. of Tallahassee to manage the exhibits and conference registration.
GaETC is dedicated to the professional development of educators. For more than two decades, the Conference has played a key role in helping educators at all levels increase their understanding of the role of technology in education. The Conference provides educators the opportunity to learn about the latest in educational technology and offers a forum for discussion among professionals concerned with technology in education. GaETC offers almost 250 concurrent sessions, nationally known speakers and presenters, workshops focusing on the latest in technological innovations and software, and over 200 commercial exhibits featuring state-of-the-art technology.
The 23rd Annual Georgia Educational Technology Conference will be held November 3-5, 2010, at the Georgia International Convention Center (GICC) in Atlanta
CED Solutions is a Microsoft CPLS, Certified Partner for Learning Solutions; Cisco Learning Partner Associate; EC Council, Novell, SCA, and training partner with many other vendors.
CED Solutions may be contacted by calling (800) 611-1840, email at info(at)cedsolutions(dot)com, and by visiting the website at http://www.cedsolutions.com. CED Solutions provides Microsoft training classes, Cisco certification classes, Oracle certification classes, Novell, EC Council, SCA, CompTIA and many other programs.
CED Solutions is also a member of Mi-Training Partners, a large group of CPLS training partners throughout the United States and Canada.