70-640 Q.004 Exam Prep Microsoft Certification / MCITP “Computer Account Troubleshooting”
The information contained in this test prep post will help IT Professionals looking to get Microsoft Certified in 70-640, which is one of the required exams to become a MCITP:Enterprise Administrator.
The information below can help those wanting to better understand Microsoft Active Directory for the real world as well as people looking to gain Microsoft Certifications such as the MCTS as well as MCITP.
Practice Question: 70-640 #004
You are the network administrator for a Windows Server 2008 environment running Active Directory.
One of your users tries to log on to a computer that was turned off for a few months. The administrator receives an error message that authentication has failed. You need to ensure that the user is able to log on to the computer. What should you do?
A) Run the netsh command with the set and computer switches.
B) Run the netdom TRUST /reset command.
C) Reset the computer account. Disjoin the computer from the domain, and then rejoin the computer to the domain.
D) Run the Active Directory Users and Computers console to disable, and then enable the computer account.
Answer: C
Explanation and example:
Question Written By:
Chris Pope – MCT, MCITP:Enterprise, Admin, MCSE:Security, MCTS:Exchange, MCSA:Messenger,A+,Network+,Security+